
Showing posts from June, 2017
June 28, 2017 Wednesday             As I write this it seems no one is reading from the markers beside the entries.  At first I thought maybe I should just stop but God reminded me that in reality I was doing this for Him and that this helps keep my mind and soul active.  So I will continue and if no one reads this but My Love I am happy.             Slept well and the tea bag treatment was relaxing and helpful.  The pain continued but a new thing of feeling like my skin was wrong.  All over my body it felt like it wasn’t my skin and didn’t fit right.  Worse than the pain.             Still weak from yesterday.  It seems if I get out one day I have to pay for it the next day.  Bonnie and Rebecca had an afternoon away.             But God is so good and blessing us each day.  The disability people didn’t call as promised but we trust God to be our provision.  I pray every day that God will be glorified by me in my pain and our trusting in Him. 
As Bonnie and I had our devotion this morning God showed me this.  I pray this will bless you as it did me. Easter I sit in my tomb locked in the dark and bound up in my sin I try to coax light from a little lamp to keep darkness away But I cannot move within the coil of my addictions and sin Ever tighter they grow as they grow in my life killing me I cry out to God afraid of death and yet afraid of God too But God hears my voice and the ground begins to shake It is a sound like an earthquake as the tombs stone moves Light peeks in the small opening and blazing light invades Warmth floods my soul and Another blood flows in me The grave wrapping start to loosen and I can finally move The stone slowly rolls and Light begins to flood my soul More and more my grave clothes begin to fall from me I can stand on the sure ground beneath me and walk My throat cries out in praise to the One setting me free As the stone rolls and clears the way I take small steps
This is the final installment of A Story of Life. A Story of Life             I at times feel sorry for Mary.  To some she has almost become like a God and to others she is not understood or appreciated.  Can you think of a higher honor that being named to be the human Mother and Father of Jesus?  It does seem the Father would pick amazing people to have the honor of “raising” His Son.  I remember watching a movie about the birth of Jesus and Joseph tells Mary his fear that he will have nothing to teach his Son.  At the time he is washing Mary’s travel worn feet. Read Luke 1:39-45 Have you heard this story before?  What has it meant to you? Who is Elizabeth? Who is the baby Elizabeth is carrying? Why did the baby jump? Do you believe that Mary is blessed because she believed and trusted God?  Are you blessed if you believe and trust in God? Though not part of the reading I hope you will read Mary’s response or what at times is
June 27, 2017 Tuesday             Slept well and decided to start Genesis over and begin my second trip through the Bible this year.  One of the few good things about what I am going through is the time to spend in the Bible and in deep prayer.             It was a busy day as Bonnie and I walked down to the pool, went to order some glasses and went to the library.  Came home exhausted.             Jonathan came by bringing the records he stored for us during the move.             I was so weak after the day I napped. My strength declines in spite of the daily exercise and trying to walk.  Getting out helps but still I seem to decline.  I find it hard to form words at times and this seems to be getting worse.             But You My Love are the creator of all and You allow me to sit in Your lap to find strength.
This is the ninth lesson and we take a little turn as we look as a different Gospel. A Story of Life             The Christmas story had either become so old to us we no longer see it or it gets all mixed up with Santa and Frosty.  But think about the very real people involved in the birth of Jesus.  Do you realize that the meaning of Christmas is Christ Mass or the Christ came in the flesh?  Can you wrap your mind around the fact the God came as a human being?  That the Creator entered into His creation to redeem and fix His creation.  And that includes you! Read Luke 1:26-38 Have you heard this story before? Who is Mary? Who is the baby? What does it mean to be the handmaid of the Lord? What would have happened to Mary as an unwed mother in the time of Jesus?  What about today? How would you respond to such a call from God? What does it mean that the Son of God and the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was an illegitim
June 25, 2017 Sunday             To the Lord all praise and glory on this Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus!  For the One we love has risen and we rejoice with the Mary’s and all who love Him that Jesus is alive!!!  As I read through Revelation I experienced the worship of the most High God.  I pray that each and every one of Your children will experience that today My Love and that You will receive that worship and smile!             Went to Asbury UMC for worship.  It was a wonderful service and blessed by so many memories of Saints who were there when we came there 25 years ago.  Going there is like going home though First Jefferson City UMC still also our home.             Had a good time with Jonathan as Bonnie and Rebecca went to a movie.  They are afraid I will fall so hate to leave me alone.             Walked tonight but all day long my pain has been terrible.  I threw up during the service and once again had to swallow it since I couldn’t get out in ti
I continue to prepare sermons to keep my mind active.  Here is the one for today. June 25 Genesis21:8-21Sibling rivalry 3 rd Sunday after Pentecost Abraham begat the sons who still fight as Jews and Muslims. Psalter reading Psalm 86:1-10 “ 1 ¶ «A Prayer of David» Bow down Your ear, O LORD, hear me; For I am poor and needy. 2 Preserve my life, for I am holy; You are my God; Save Your servant who trusts in You! 3 Be merciful to me, O Lord, For I cry to You all day long. 4 Rejoice the soul of Your servant, For to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. 5 For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You. 6 Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; And attend to the voice of my supplications. 7 In the day of my trouble I will call upon You, For You will answer me. 8 ¶ Among the gods there is none like You, O Lord; Nor are there any works like Your works. 9 All nations whom You have made Shall come and worship before You, O Lord, And sh
June 24, 2017 Saturday             I slept well and late.  Was concerned after head troubles last night and storm that went through but I did well.  Head a little bad but better than yesterday.  Bonnie and I walked again.  They worry about me falling (and not being able to get up) so either Rebecca or Bonnie goes with me.             Listened to the last chapter of Romans and as always I am amazed by the book. Through June I want to read Romans and Revelations before I start my through the Bible again.  The only thing I like about being disabled.             Was able to work some and Bonnie and Rebecca got some more of the boxes put up.  We slowly are making Mom’s place into our home.  Bonnie has been such a trooper and a blessing.  As I get weaker and have some more issues she has not only been faithful but so loving.  God really has blessed me with her!             Thank You My Love for blessing us every day!!!    
In this Eight installment of our study we can see the difference in those who are religious and those who have a relationship with Jesus.  This begs the question, which are you? A Story of Life             There are three amazing parts to the scripture we have in this lesson. First we see Matthew writing about his call, second we see again those who are religious angered that Jesus spends time with “sinners” and third we have the remarkable response of Jesus.  Take time to meditate and think about these three lessons and how they apply to you. Read Matthew 9:9-13 What is a tax collector? Why would a tax collector be considered a “sinner”?  Does this explain the response of the religious people? Jesus again talks about sin being like sickness.  Why? Why does God want mercy instead of sacrifice? How does the statement of Jesus “ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. ”  Affect you and congregation where you w
June 23, 2017 Friday I slept in until about 5AM this morning!  But I had the mother of all dreams and so awoke feeling like I had vertigo as I acclimated to the real world.  The only way to share the dream is to share my Heart Talks about it. My Love I had a terrible dream last night Could it be the future gave me such fright We were in a mall have never been before I bought something too small in a store Got separated from others couldn’t find car Wandered through the mall going very far I’d bump into people names didn’t know Would tell me things no longer did know Around the corridors in fright I went Praying to God that help would be sent I went through a door but lost in the way Went back inside got caught in the fray Grew more scared didn’t remember name Every place in mall just seemed the same I stood in a place as people just went by For help my heart just wanted to cry But I stood there not knowing what to do Why My Love
Going through all this has given me a time to look back.  As I read some of my Heart Talks from before one really struck me because as this all started I took a time to remember how good God had been.  I will share this with you. Looking back As I look back over my life with Christ I am given strength for the journey to come I see terrible brokenness and suffering I experienced brokenness and suffering Yet God has taken me back to those times And I see God watching, working and loving In the midst of beating and so much worse God was there before I even knew He was Even when I wondered where He was I have seen death in so many ways I have looked into eyes of dying souls Their pull still haunts and pains me I see people as they shouldn’t be seen I want to look away but I cannot do so And then everything changes for me I see God touching even such as me Reaching into my brokenness and despair I see that I was in pieces like my ghosts Not really af
June 22, 2017 Thursday             Woke early and read some and worked on blog.  I am behind because I have tried to help out and that leaves me weak.  Without this writing I do believe I would not know day from day.             Bonnie and I continued devotion and I listened to entire book of Revelation and thus ended my reading of the Bible in 6 months.  I will begin again soon since I have time but want to spend some time in Romans and Revelation.              In the last weeks I updated the study A Story of Life and completed a new study called Psalm of the Good Shepherd.  God has helped me to be very productive in spite of the pain that grows every day.             The jerking and twitching is back today and I stumbled a lot and nearly fell several times.  I fear a fall that will break something since I seem to heal very slow. My stomach bothered me so ate rice with vegetables and a little ham in it.             Stay awake hoping it would help me to sleep better.
Here is the seventh lesson of the study A Story of life.  For me this lesson helped as I discover the Great Adventure of my new life. A Story of Life             There are three amazing parts to the scripture we have in this lesson. First we see Matthew writing about his call, second we see again those who are religious angered that Jesus spends time with “sinners” and third we have the remarkable response of Jesus.  Take time to meditate and think about these three lessons and how they apply to you. Read Matthew 9:9-13 What is a tax collector? Why would a tax collector be considered a “sinner”?  Does this explain the response of the religious people? Jesus again talks about sin being like sickness.  Why? Why does God want mercy instead of sacrifice? How does the statement of Jesus “ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. ”  Affect you and congregation where you worship and serve? Who are right
June 21, 2017 Wednesday             Woke early again after a fitful night.  After fixing a meal and cleaning some I hoped I would sleep better.  The medicines help but do not take away the pain and may be part of my weakness.  Taking four medications that work through the brain sometimes leave me wondering what is the disease and what is the medication.             Bonnie and Rebecca were able to get away and that seemed to help.  They have been under so much.  A friend from Renovatus called and that helped.  Bonnie talked with some friends from First.  It is good to be remembered.  I think one of the worst things about being disabled is feeling cut off.               I am a day behind because I have not felt well.
Here is the sixth part of A Story of life.  I pray God will bless you through it.                                  A Story of Life Sometimes it is hard to know if our troubles are physical, emotional or spiritual.  At times if seems they are a combination of some if not all three.  Jesus confuses the religious by both connecting them and then by forgiving which is an act of God.  Meditate on what this says about the troubles in your life and what it says about God. Read Matthew 9:1-8             Why did Jesus “forgive” a man who was sick? Why were the “religious” people so upset? Can Jesus forgive your sin? Draw a picture of this story as though you were the one being healed.  Or draw a picture of when Jesus “healed” you.
June 20, 2017 Tuesday             Woke early again and the pain climbs and I feel weaker.  Slept some yesterday and wonder if that is why woke early.  Finished up James and 1 Peter and the following verse helps me. “So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you.” (1Peter 4:19 NLT) Right now we are not just in God’s hand but we are resting in our Father’s lap!              Bonnie and Rebecca are both so weary.  Some may wonder but over the last year even just hitting the harder moments: They have watched my gradual decline physically, have seen my dealing with old memories where I nearly lost my mind, dealt with my dad’s illness, his amputation and his death, the death of her brother-in-laws dad, my dad’s will, her sisters loss of her job, my loss of my pastorate due to health, my going on disability, many hours with doctors, her mom breaking foot, moving to a smalle
Here is the fifth lesson in The Story of Life.  May you celebrate the life God has for you.  In what ever form you have received it! A Story of Life             Some talk about the storms of life while others see life as a storm in itself.  To the Jews the sea was a way of seeing sin and both come from the root of chaos.  Sin is the basis of all our the storms we face and if you don’t believe me compare the picture of life before the Fall and after.  I pray as you meditate on this scripture that God will grant you the faith to live through the storms in your life. Read Matthew 8:23-27 “What kind of man is this that even the winds and the sea obey Him?” Why isn’t that question answered for us? What storms are there in your life that you wish Jesus would help you with? Have you prayed for them to go away? What if God wants to use the storm to help you grow in your Life with Him?
June 19, 2017 Monday             Woke with my eyes burning and not wanting to stay open but the tea bag treatment helped me a lot.  There is still so much pain and so much up in the air.  Read through Hebrews and half of James.  I wonder if Hebrews and Romans are not the same teaching to Jews and Gentiles as God seeks all to understand?             Lately I have been singing “This is the day” after listening to the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles sing it.  Listening to them quiets my soul and give me relief from the pain if only for a short time.  So I wrote one of my Heart Talks about this. This is the day that the Lord has made A day of pain and of grief over loss Let us rejoice and be glad in it Rejoice in loss and in the pain This is the day that the Lord has made A day of wondering how my body will fail Let us rejoice and be glad in it Rejoice in the failure of my body This is the day that the Lord has made A day to know that You are My Love
June 18, 2017 Sunday             Today is Father’s Day and I celebrate Loran Ramsey who was my adoptive father and Ken Perkins who was my father-in-law who treated me like his son.  I also remember in prayer the biological father who left when I was little.  But most of all I honor and celebrate my Heavenly Father who has always been there for me.             After scripture reading and our devotional we went to Asbury United Methodist Church for the Father’s Day service and the first service of their new pastor.  It was a good service and a good message.  Whenever I go to Asbury I see so many Saints who have gone to be with the Lord.  They still worship God and the faces of those who are still at Asbury are a reflection of those who have gone to be with the Lord.             The pain settles in and I get so weary.  Weary and worn, but also weary of being weary and being in pain.  Lately my neck has been hurting so bad.  All the other places hurt but they seem drowned out by th
June 18 Genesis 18:1-15 Afraid to laugh 2 nd Sunday after Pentecost                God seems so frightening we can miss the joy of His love!             Psalter reading Psalm 100:1-5 “ 1 ¶ «A Psalm of Thanksgiving.» Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands! 2 Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. 3 Know that the LORD, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. 4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. 5 For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations.” (Psalm 100:1-5 NKJV) “ 1 ¶ Then the LORD appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamre, as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day. 2 So he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing by him; and when he saw them , he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowe
June 17, 2017 Saturday             I slept long but not well last night.  Bonnie and I continued our devotion from “Reliving the Passion” and had a time of prayer.  We had started having a more regular devotion and prayer time together before things started getting bad.  Thanks to Bonnie who pushed for this because it has helped us in so many ways.             We went to Cracker Barrel for Father’s Day and had a great time.  Bonnie, Jonathan and Rebecca blessed me so much.  It means so much for me.
June 16, 2017 Friday             Slept in until almost 7AM!  I am better rested but the pain continues to climb above the medication.  Still no word from Liberty Mutual on the disability which they told me would be decided Wednesday.  Called but still no answer from them.  Read Colossians and once again see Paul concerned about those who have been deceived by teachings of those besides those of Jesus.              Lately God has called me to pray for those who are not being good shepherds and are not leading their flocks to the Good Shepherd.  So many have not realized the fullness of a relationship with God they can have through the Bible and through prayer.  May God guide us to guide those who come to us for guidance.             During our devotion reading from “Reliving the Passion: by Walter Wangerin  Jr. he had the scripture about the soldiers gambling for the cloths of Jesus.  This hits me personally and always brings me back to when they medivaced me from my ship and I s
Here is the fourth lesson from A Story of Life.  This study has been very helpful to me at this time and I pray God will use it bless you. A Story of Life Read Matthew 8:18-22             When Jesus has given us life we are left with a new problem.  What do we do with that new life?  So often I have heard preachers and teachers emphasize salvation as though this is the final work of God.  But from the Fall we see that God saved us so we could once again have a relationship with Him!  How do we live in that relationship with God? Does Jesus seem mean here to you? Why did Jesus answer the Scribe in such a strange way? Why wouldn’t Jesus let the man bury his father? What does this say to you about living in relationship to God? How is God calling you to live with Him?
June 15, 2017 Thursday             Woke at 1AM and back to bed about 5:30AM and then up again at about 2PM.  My eyes wouldn’t open for a long time and when they finally did they are not working right.  Yesterday and today are really bad days and the pain seems to be growing again.  For the first time it seemed the medicines were catching up to the pain but now the pain is gaining.             We are all tired from no news from the disability that was supposed to tell us for sure yesterday, moving, the van, the knowledge that everything has changed and so much unknown and unsettled in the family.             But as I read the book of Philippians God reminded me of His character, His willingness to become human and for Him to even become a servant.  My Love, help me to indeed have this same mind as Jesus had and to no grow weary from the pain and in bringing glory to You.             Some good news is the stove Bonnie’s sister and brother-in-law bought has arrived and seems to wo