June 20, 2017 Tuesday
            Woke early again and the pain climbs and I feel weaker.  Slept some yesterday and wonder if that is why woke early.  Finished up James and 1 Peter and the following verse helps me.
“So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you.” (1Peter 4:19 NLT)
Right now we are not just in God’s hand but we are resting in our Father’s lap!
             Bonnie and Rebecca are both so weary.  Some may wonder but over the last year even just hitting the harder moments: They have watched my gradual decline physically, have seen my dealing with old memories where I nearly lost my mind, dealt with my dad’s illness, his amputation and his death, the death of her brother-in-laws dad, my dad’s will, her sisters loss of her job, my loss of my pastorate due to health, my going on disability, many hours with doctors, her mom breaking foot, moving to a smaller house and even when getting disability discovering we are just in another waiting period as they decide what to pay.

            I love and appreciate them so much!


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