Going through all this has given me a time to look back.  As I read some of my Heart Talks from before one really struck me because as this all started I took a time to remember how good God had been.  I will share this with you.

Looking back
As I look back over my life with Christ
I am given strength for the journey to come
I see terrible brokenness and suffering
I experienced brokenness and suffering
Yet God has taken me back to those times
And I see God watching, working and loving
In the midst of beating and so much worse
God was there before I even knew He was
Even when I wondered where He was
I have seen death in so many ways
I have looked into eyes of dying souls
Their pull still haunts and pains me
I see people as they shouldn’t be seen
I want to look away but I cannot do so
And then everything changes for me
I see God touching even such as me
Reaching into my brokenness and despair
I see that I was in pieces like my ghosts
Not really afraid of death but of life
Into a broken little boy God came
As I saw God dark became Light
God brought Life overcoming death
My eyes were changed not the world
Where before I saw only fear and evil
I now could see the Glory of God
I saw a Japanese man accept You Love
Even at the cost of his family so dear
Then his family joined him in faith
I saw a prisoner tall, big and strong
Cry like a baby needing, finding You
I saw my life become more living
As Bonnie and I saw You in each other
Children that could not be for me
I saw You bring to us blessings three
You showed me before in a dream
Sitting at a table with those three
And the joy as it all came to be
I saw abused souls set free to love
Knowing they were loved by You
I saw families destroyed by drugs
Healed to live in love once more
I saw Your Light in others eyes
Knowing the adventure to begin
I have seen rapists weep forgiven
I have seen murderers come to life
I have, o blessed sight My Love
I have seen Your glorious children
Walk in Your humbleness unseen
The world misses the wonder
But I have seen Your glory shine
As I walked with them in time
Gramps who saw Your face daily
Ken Perkins who believed at cost
Bonnie who held on to me through
And so many others who shine You
They walk in glory though feel less
They do not see the glory they shine
But my eyes have seen and rejoiced
To see Your Church alive and well
Men who wept discovering You
Women who silently spoke You
Children who walk daily with You
And those who give all for You
I have seen the prisoner bearing
Tears of murder inked on their face
Tears running overcome by grace
Seen Murders alarmed by grace
Anger and wonder on their face
Men and women free in locked space
I have seen brokenness You healed
Death You have turned into life
I saw people around a table plans
And from that came Your 5@5
From that children in Haiti learn
Children here hear of Your love
And Pilipino kids are not sold
Because they belong to You
I have seen lives freed from hell
Drugs and alcohol enslaved them
Stealing their soul a gift from You
Receiving it back to live life in You
I see around the world Your glory
As Your children bow in Your Light
As darkness cuts off their heads
But they remain the Body of Christ
Now they are alive to die no more
Their Light from You shines forth
Though I face a mind wracked
A body weary worn from pain
A daily struggle with the stain
I will see Your glory shining bright
And remain rejoicing in the sight

I will remain Your human being                                 2/5/2017


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