6/25/2022 I have been disabled for over five years now and during this time I have discovered the daily need for hope and when hope seems too hard to have hope in hope. It is too easy to center on ourselves and become in steps withdrawn, lonely, angry and bitter. The worst part is the only people we can take all of this out on are the caregivers in our lives! Consider the time, caring and even love expended by those who care about and for you. Through grace seek to encourage and be a blessing to those who seek to bless you. If they are uncaring seek to reach out and encourage them and their desire to care. If they are abusive you must report them to authorities so they can have a chance to repent and then redeemed. If they become more bitter that is their choice and not your fault. Extending grace can be hard and at times dangerous. Jesus knew that and still extended grace. Maybe this is why grace is so amazing?

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.



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