5/5/2022 I will try to remember this correctly. “There are many do’s and don’ts in the Bible. We try to not do the don’ts but we still do them. So maybe we should spend our time doing the do’s and then we will have less time to do the don’ts.”

Or as I remember in a song “accentuate the positive”.

I can almost hear people saying this is too simple and that is why I often miss the Gospel. I try to make everything harder when it is God desires who redeems us and makes us worthy to enter into God’s presence with praise and then to do the do’s to bring glory to God.

In my life I failed at the simplicity and lost the Gospel in trying to be rather than receive and giving too much room to the negative – the evil. Please do not make the same mistake I did and receive what you do not deserve from the God who still cries “Where are you?

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.



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