2/6/2022 This is Sunday and we celebrate this little Easter as we gather as God’s people to praise, give thanks and worship God Who is unending hope, complete grace, bottomless love and Life! We may ask:

Are hope and grace accidental? There is nothing accidental about either hope or grace as each is a full and wonderful gift from God. They are God’s gift to bridge the gulf of sin so we can return to a relationship with Him again.

Does this mean hope and grace are only for those who seek and believe God? Just as God gives the rain to the “just and the unjust” hope and grace can work at a creation level as well as a Creator level. We can find hope in the regular working of creation and live in grace with those around us. Though somewhat limited this form of hope and grace can still perform miracles in lives and communities.

Isn’t God amazing!!!

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.


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