2/17/2022 All around there are wars and rumors of war. Leaders are grabbing power, using the Communist Chinese Disease (covid) to limit individual decisions and freedoms. Denominations are dividing at a rate last seem before America’s Civil (or uncivil) War. Hope can be found either in the Creator or the creation.

God created all out of a love for us and even allowed the horrific death of Jesus to bring us back to Him.

Creation still has some of the order and strength of the Creator and we can find hope in the midst of all we face. We can know from the creation “this too shall pass”. What we face will pass – both good and bad. Leaders rise and then fall. Denominations rise and then fall. Nations rise and then fall. But hope and grace continue and will see us through all we face.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me hope, beyond hope.

So much does change but God does not. God named Himself I AM to Moses and declared not Just that God always exists but to God it is always now. Grace offered through Jesus is available to all of all time because to God what we consider time is now to God. So grace always is. For to grace it always is now!

From my Grace Journal to remind me of our need not for agreement but grace in our relationships.


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