2/11/2022 “Hope springs eternal.” Hope is like a spring flowing constantly through our lives to nourish us and quench our thirst. Sadly it is too easy to walk away into the desert of the struggles of existence. Let me make this as clear as I can: without hope there is no life just like without water we can only exist and die because of our great thirst. Are you in the desert? Are you thirsty? Drink!!! Drink deeply!!!

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me hope, beyond hope.

We would never conceive of grace on our own. Humans would try to be nice and especially with those who could help them at another time. The Bible declares few would die for those they think are good and even less would die for their enemies. Jesus not only died for His enemies but also forgave them while hanging on the cross. Each of us is called to offer grace as Jesus reveals it to us.

From my Grace Journal to remind me of our need not for agreement but grace in our relationships.



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