
White as Snow

Snow covers the hardened ground

Kissing the ear with a gentle sound

Each flake an amazing gift of God

Covering a stained earthly sod

Landscape changes in our view

All looks cleansed, all looks new

Mud, grass, trees all lost to sight

Covered by this blanket of white

Coldness chills our hearts blood

Chilled through by this white flood

Icicles descending from every tree

An army of daggers surrounding me

Flakes of snow dancing in the sky

Their finale on the ground they lie

Compounded by their growing number

Drifting and lifting in their slumber

My heart is like the cold hard ground

Sin and darkness in it abound

God sent His Son’s cleaning flood

And covers me in Jesus’ blood

The white covers my hard heart

Cracking and breaking it apart

The whiteness covers my heart’s sod

A gift of love from my God

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.



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