1/30/2022 Today is Sunday and is what some call a little Easter. On the first day of the week, Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead and brought to us life. Jesus brought us life and that abundant as we are cleansed and made holy because Jesus took our sins upon Himself and as the Bible declares actually became sin. Our sin. The resurrection is so important the Church moved the primary day of worship from Saturday (the Sabbath) to Sunday. The resurrection taking place on the first day of the week is a reminder we are made a new creature, creation and have a new life possible beginning on the first day. So Happy Easter!!! Enjoy the day living your new life, your abundant life, your eternal life.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

The fullness of grace bleeding upon our cross

The fullness of hope seen in His empty tomb

We have received what didn’t know to ask for

We have received what we could never do

The love of God seen in His Son’s dying agony

The love of God seen in Jesus’ empty tomb

Why would God do such a thing for us? That is the grace of God founded in God’s love. Would you lay down your life for someone else. The Bible says we may lay down our life for a few but Jesus laid down His for all!!! Even those who hated Him! Even those who nailed Him to the cross! You and I!

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.



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