1/28/2022 I have a daily devotion trying to offer a Daily Dose of God’s Glory and some may believe I feel like this every day. That would be wrong.

Some days I hear the words others use to define me. Loser, stupid, fat, ugly, incapable and so many others. I remember we used to sing, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. That is such a lie! Many still remember every ‘definition’ others heaped upon their weak and frail shoulders. Ripped apart, stripped of value and left only being defined by the destructive words of others. Some grow stronger through these definitions but many still carry them like a huge weight crushing their soul and spirit.

God defines us differently and in a way we could not imagine. God says we broken messes are worth the Father offering the life of His only Son! God places such a high value on us. But I must admit I couldn’t believe that and so lost His way and my life.

Do NOT listen to definitions of others but be defined by the love of God!!!

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.



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