1/1/2022 Happy New Year!

For hope we can look to the coming year as a time to use what we have learned to grow into a better person and hopefully a better year. Hope and come from an honest appraisal of who we are (not who we think we are) and growing in our better and growing by learning from our mistakes.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

For grace the coming year is an opportunity to see those around us we need to forgive and one at a time, with God’s help, work to actually forgive and not just seek to forget or just ignore what angers us. Grace is recognizing the needs of others and not ignoring them but praying for them and guiding to God for the help only God can give.

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.



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