12/6/2021 As we continue the journey through Advent it will be easy to lose our way in the trappings of a secular “Christmas” surrounding us. Its bright lights and fun entertainment is a draw but soon we should realize there is no where to go. Soon we should realize there is no hope in this “Christmas”. It is Godless unless you count the god of desire.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

Grace had been temporary and signified by killing animals as a reminder sin brings death. It is the outcome of sin and it’s very nature. The blood of the sacrifices was a sign of the blood of the Lamb of God which would be shed. But now we journey toward Bethlehem as we anxiously await the birth of the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”!!!

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.



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