12/20/2021 At this point in our Advent journey our eyes are drawn to the bright lights of Jerusalem from the tiny light of Bethlehem. Jerusalem has comforts and many of the things we desire or are used to. It is hard to take our eyes from the bright light of destruction to the small intense light of the hope to be born in Bethlehem. Follow hope to Bethlehem and away from the city of death.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

It is God’s grace which calls us. It is God who calls us to grace. John Wesley taught prevenient grace was the grace that comes before. Grace has always come before. Before we knew we needed it and even before we wanted it. God has to call us to grace. The birth of Jesus leads to the murder of Jesus which completes the grace provided through the blood of animals for sin which requires a death. The gift of grace reaches out for all and for all of time.

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships



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