10/30/2021 The earliest known creed is “Jesus is Lord”. This short three word creed holds the four word meaning “and I am not”. With this creed comes the wondrous hope I do not stand alone and God is not only with me but is on my side. The creeds are a guidance to God, to Truth, faith and hope.

This is an entry from my Hope Journal which helps me have hope, beyond hope.

Creeds reveal to us the heart of God and we see the love and grace is not just a thing from God but is and expression of Him. Take time to read some of the creeds God’s people have written to guide them and those who came later to the true God who alone is enough. Here are some creeds to study.

Apostles Creed (older version and ecumenical versions)

Nicene Creed

Athanasian Creed

Chalcedonian definition


Baptismal Creed of Jerusalem

Westminster Confession of Faith

London Baptist Confession of Faith

Augsburg Confession of Faith

Cannons of Dort

Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

Nashville Statement

and finally the Biblical Creeds

Korean Methodist Creed

Except for the Korean Methodist Creed these creeds and information about them can be found at justdisciple.com/christian-creed/

From my Grace Journal. It was suggested to start a Grace Journal as a reminder of our need not for agreement but grace to guide our relationships.



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