9/30/2021 As we come to the end of September we look ahead to All Saints Day, Thanksgiving and the Christmas season. Some may wonder why halloween was not included but it is not a day of hope (except for candy) but began as a day to leave treats so those pesky demons wouldn’t ‘trick’ you.

All Saints Day is a celebration of those who in Jesus who have gone through the “shadow of death” and are alive evermore!

Thanksgiving in America was scheduled by President Abraham Lincoln as a day to give thanks to God. It is interesting the first Thanksgiving was when the North was losing.

Christmas season is appropriate because it is too important to be held to just one day. It is a celebration of God’s gift of grace as the sacrificial offering for all came into the world. This birth weakened the wall and heaven and earth rejoiced!

Prepare yourself for these days and the time they are within. The current year can come to a great completion no matter what is happening-to us or the world.

This is a combination of my Hope and Grace Journals.



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