9/12/2021 Fear. The Bible declares perfect love casts out all fear. Is this perfect love God’s love or ours?

Why do we fear? Why does fear rule our lives? Could it be we fear because we think we must control our lives in a world with little or no control? The only way we can possibly have control is to assume we are god. But as a god we stink.

Can we control ourselves? If not, how can we control the world which is never really in control. Of the first two people listed in the Bible as being born on earth one was a murderer and the other the victim.

After our fall we left God’s control and protection and submitted ourselves to our own. Or to our own lack of control. Like the cancer it is fear perverts our spirits and souls leaving us without even our puny resources.

Even the good in us is perverted and becomes what we use to destroy others. While true evil is real as is satan, we do a pretty good job at destroying others and ourselves.

I firmly believe fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred and hatred leads to violence. Fear has been used over time by good and even by evil to destroy others for the ‘good’ of ourselves and others. We can become so perverted as to believe the theft, destruction, rape and murder of others is even for their good!

Science is held as humanities shining light of humanities progress but do not look to close. One of great beliefs of science today is evolution which is described as progressive though it was taught by Greek scholars and debunked by the so unscientific people a couple of thousand of years ago.

The ‘founder’ of evolution is supposedly Charles Darwin who is upheld as a great scholar who struggled against the bondage of Christianity. The problem is much of evolutionary thought today actually shows how wrong Darwin was.

Have you ever read any of Darwin’s books? Yes there is more than one. Some of the thoughts were from Grecian scholars and his father-in-law who did not have the benefit of a voyage to far off lands.

Some of the true believers in Darwinism – now almost always called evolution are:

Those who tried to wipe out indigenous people around the world because they were a lower order of life.

Those who pushed for abortion to limit the number of non-whites born to cleanse their lineage.

Those who pushed for Eugenics to keep those unproductive to society to be able to have children.

Nazism which sought to eradicate or enslave all those who were not of Germanic blood.

Socialism which sought order by destroying those harmful to society.

And so many other people who sought to protect their “rational” and “scientific” beliefs by destroying evidence, faking evidence and ignoring evidence.

This is the face of unbiased science.

The real story of evolution is it only declares how things evolved or changed but cannot ever reveal how the universe came to be. If not so serious it would be funny that scientists are now exploring the idea that aliens seeded life on earth. Maybe that drives the urgency of finding life on other planets.

Of course this leaves us with the question of who seeded those aliens and on and on. Sigh.

Leaving ourselves without God has led us to write our own script for the world written in blood and coating all of us in blood – either of others or our own.

The only hope is hope and grace. Hope and grace lead us to the only Door out of this horrific unplanned plan of fear. Hope and grace lead us to Jesus who declares I AM the door...

I do not write this as one not needing hope or grace. I am just as guilty or even more so. Only by knowing my guilt and fear can I write this.

This is a combination hope and grace entry. Hope and grace are connected in ways I cannot understand so this entry is my attempt to see their importance.



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