I pray for those who are fighting so many fires across the west coast. So many fire fighters and citizens have died or been seriously injured. So many have lost all. Those with homes are now homeless. Hundreds of thousands of acres decimated with some of the largest fires in California’s history.

At the same time cities are burning with fire and hatred. The evil one laughs at our stupidity of burning ourselves to hurt others like those who burn themselves with the fire of ignorance. More of those of the darker hue have been killed in the rioting than by police.

At the same time children of the darker hue are killed by gangs of those of the darker hue killing off their future as well as now. The evil one laughs at us! At you!

If we turn from the hatred of the evil one to the forgiveness of God we are lost and all we know will burn. The evil one’s who buy brisks and matches are so stupid to think they will gain power and be safe. Listening to satan they are foolish though they think they are wise. We will burn in fire of our own “wisdom”!




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