Jesus healed the lame
why not me
The blind given sight
why not me
lepers made clean
why not me
the deaf could hear
why not me
dead raised to life
why not me
demon possessed freed
why not me
Children are blessed
why not me
multitudes are fed
why not me

God, so many were healed
why not me
So many received so much
why not me

My child, all of this
was done for you
revealing My power
was done for you
revealing My glory
was done for you
revealing my love
was done for you

So many were healed
so many were not
so many found love
so many did not

Why did Jesus heal some and not others
Why did Jesus free some and not others
Why did Jesus raise some and not others
Why did Jesus call some and not others

Did Jesus leave them ill for a reason
Did Jesus leave them possessed for a reason
Did Jesus leave them dead for a reason
Did Jesus not call some people for a reason

I will wait upon the God of my salvati0n
I will wait on the God of my healing
I will wait upon the God of my life
For God has a plan and life for me!      8/1/2019


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