Memorial Dad – a time to remember those who gave their all
We celebrate D-Day the landing of troops, part of Nazism fall
But do we remember who in Africa’s desert also gave their all
Those in Italy who fought up the boot so despot would fall
Market Garden, “One Bridge too Far” still offered their all

In Korea, the forgotten and unplanned war not knowing why
In Vietnam unprepared soldier who were reviled still did die
In the Cold War warm blood was shed without knowing why
In Haiti Clinton gave guns without bullets to soldiers to die
Fight terrorists around the world without a plan they do die

Many families suffered terrible cost as hope and dreams die
Though not knowing the why in honer they stand and die
Leaders not knowing cost now send men and women to die
Families paying terrible cost ask why their loved one did die
Father’s, Mother’s, spouse and children cherish those who die

Politicians see life without value send pawns in game to die
Their lined up headstones to honor their sacrifice ask why
And so so many die – please tell WHY! 5/27/2019


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