The journey is long and the road is hard
the trail goes from easy to very difficult
at times the trail will be flat and easy
and then the trail climbs beyond sight
then the trail will grow to be a trial
The weariness sets in like a blanket
enfolding, wrapping weighing down
Not just our body but even our soul
Hope can seem just out of our reach
We must climb step-by-step trusting
In the trail and the trails Creator
as we climb soon the clouds get thinner
in the light begins to shine to guide us
we reach the peak standing in the light
soon our body and soul are renewed
We want to stay at the peak in comfort
But the Creator beckons us to go
The path which lies for us declines
and we want to decline to go
but the Creator pushes us forward
and we descend into the clouds
the trail going down is not easy
At times it even seems harder
our feet stumble threatening we
Will pitch forward and fall down
if we are not careful we will look down
And our feet will stumble and fall
we must keep our eyes on the Creator
to follow the trail at any time and place 4/9/2019


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