November 18, 2018 1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18 NKJV)

When we see someone who is angry we at times want to withdraw in fear. They may hurt us or belittle us and so we are guided by our fear to run and leave an opportunity to share the love of Jesus. Fear rules us and limits our lives and ministry.

If we allow fear to rule our lives we can become angry with ourselves and maybe even with others and then God! We can easily go from fear of displeasing God and His wrath to anger at God for failing to help us and for the discouragement we feel.

Our fear and anger can attack our faith and soon we can lose our relationship with God who is the only One who can help us. And then fear can cast out our love for God or have a broken love that can cause fear of God making it hard to love God or we may even come to hate God.

To love is harder than anything else for a human being, yet love is more powerful than anything else. Bombs destroy, teaching distorts (even the best) but love builds, renews and heals. In 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 Paul describes the gifts God gives so the Church can grow, reach out and minister in the world but 1 Corinthians 13 is the heart of the Church and of a Christian. Only through love is the Gospel really good news!


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