October 30, 2017 Monday

            Today is an unusually good day for me.  Usually I still am hurting and weary from going to Worship but I feel rested and the pain is better. 

            Bonnie and I had our devotion and prayer.  We have so many prayer requests and we try so hard to be faithful to each one.

            Lately we see so many worrying about the future and stocking up for a big crash.  We have some emergency supplies in case of storms but I want to trust in My Love for He has been so faithful to us.  Also I want to live and not spend my life trying to keep from dying.

            Before I was a Christian I was just existing and when they told me I had 3 months to live it didn’t matter because I had never really lived.  But when I came to Jesus I learned to live and everyday has been a miracle and a blessing!  Bonnie and I look back and we have seen God work in so many ways and I have enjoyed life as I watch My Love change lives!

            We had a good day together even though we spent most of the time reading.  It is so good to be able to read again as with my eyesight and the pain it was hard to even focus on even an easy book.  Now I can read easy books and occasionally read deeper books.


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