September 25, 2017 Monday

            After going to Church I am often very weary on Monday.  Bonnie and I had our devotion and prayer time.  The hymn for today is Near to the Heart of God.  This hymn is so beautiful;

O Jesus, blest Redeemer,

Sent from the heart of God,

Hold us who wait before Thee

Near to the heart of God.

            To me this is where I think of sitting in God’s lap.  For the nearest we can be to someone’s heart is to sit in their lap and rest in them.

            As Bonnie and I talked it seems as though so many people are mad and caught up in blaming others.  It is so sad to see not just the nation but the Church in America fracturing.  In the West Islam is growing and stepping into the vacuum left by the fracturing of Christianity.  More and more people fall under the reign of Islam.  I fear for the women and children who as always suffer the most. 


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