September 13, 2017 Wednesday

            Did not rest well but feel some better and I have been able to do some.  Got some cards ready to go and Bonnie and I had our devotion.  Went through some and got more boxes out (yaah). 

            So many people and circumstances are on my heart and as I pray it seems more come to my heart.  God is guiding me to pray for so many and for so many needs.  I still have my Prayer Cards for Muslims, Chinese and Pilippino’s. 

            As always I pray for the “Shepherd’s” who serve God’s flock that they would lead their flock to the Good Shepherd.  And every day I pray for those who are enslaved.  Those who are enslaved by their addictions, habits and fear, those who are enslaved by others and sold or used worse than animals and those who are addicted to power and money and use others. 

            There are times I want to ask God to destroy those who sell people like property and use girls and boys as objects of sex and source of power.  But then My Lord and My Love reminds me that I am called to love even the worst and to pray for God to break their heart and power but not to take their lives. 

            Being called to pray is a harder burden than I thought.  For God lays on you all the burdens of some many hearts.  God shares the pain and suffering of those He calls you to pray for and the deep evil of those who needed to receive God’s grace.

            And so God comforts me:

“Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden”


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