Here is the beginning of a new study.  This study is different as I developed it to have a sort of background for my Theology and for my teaching.  Hope it is a blessing to you!

The Two Cups of God

By Ronald Ramsey

May 2007

(Revised September 2017)


            In Scripture there are two cups that stand out to me.  They come together in the study of the Crucifixion of Jesus and the Garden of Gethsemane.  Jesus offered one of the cups to us and drank the other that we might not have to.  I will look at the two Cups and then see how they are related to Jesus, and how they are related to us. 

            This study is to help me understand even more how God’s grace flows in my life and in the lives of all who come to Him.  When Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane He asked for THIS Cup to pass from Him.  A little before this Jesus had offered the Cup of His blood to His disciples and through them to us. 

            What do these Cups have in common?  Which do we drink from?  Do we have to drink from one or the other?  These questions come to my mind and I will try to answer them. 

            Which Cup do I drink from?  Which Cup is mine?  Some of these questions I am almost afraid to find the answers to. 

            I will seek to find the answers from scripture itself.  If God wants us to find the answer it will be there for us.  May our Lord lead us into all truth and may the truth indeed set us free.

            With the idea that it might be best to end on a good note we will look at the Cup of God’s Wrath first.

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32 NKJV)


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