July 22, 2017 Saturday
            Couldn’t get to sleep for a long time.  Woke up still tired and feel very worn.  Each day it seems to get a little worse and I seem weaker. I didn’t even work on my sermon until recently and that has never happened before.  My mind is getting more clouded and I cannot seem to connect the dots.
            The meds help but seem to help less each week.  More and more I depend on God and spend more time reading in the Bible but I remember less and often read the same passage over and over.  Reading in the Psalms gives voice to the cries of my heart and also to the praise I have for My God and My Love. 

            In the midst of so much pain and loss God has been very near and I have been able to spend even more time with Him in prayer and through His written Word.  God indeed is the joy of my heart!


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