July 20, 2017 Thursday
            Slept long but not very well.  Today the pain is still rough and it seems like so much is getting worse.  One thing I always knew about pain but is more real to me is that continuous and unrelenting pain wears on you and each day it is harder to cope with it.  Pain wears you down physically, emotionally and Spiritually. 
            Without God I would not be able to make it though each moment of each day.  But His presence encourages and enriches me and renews my broken body and soul.  I am reading in the Psalms and I so understand the cry of the Psalmist’s heart and for the requests.
            Pain can cut you off and make you feel alone and very vulnerable.  But God, family and friends remind me that I am not alone and they are there for me.

            For my family I feel at times as though they suffer more than I do.  They have been so faithful to me and God has used them to bless me.


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